Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars

  • Engels
€ 44,00
(incl. BTW)
Op voorraad

The Baker Street Irregulars is een standalone spel in de Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective reeks.

In 1880, Sherlock Holmes appointed a group of street children as The Baker Street Irregulars, his unofficial "police force". This is their story, and the story of a particular year that thrusts the Irregulars and the master detective into a series of challenging and dangerous events... 

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is a cooperative game where the players try to solve mysterious cases by walking the foggy London streets in search of clues. Unravel the thread of intrigue, answer a series of questions, and compare your detective skills to those of the master sleuth himself, Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars is a set of ten new cases, including introductory cases that are perfect for new players, while also offering novel mechanisms and surprises to give seasoned investigators something different.

1. The Curzon Street Kidnapping
2. The Mudlark Mystery
3. The Three Customers
4. The Promise
5. The Red River Valley
6. The Busker of Bridge Street
7. The Tiger's Eye
8. The Heist in Harp Lane
9. The Dog in the Night Time
10. Death of a Detective.

Aantal spelers1-8
Aanbevolen leeftijd14+
Type spelBordspel, Coöperatief
Speelduur90 min
Merk / UitgeverSpace Cowboys

Verzendkosten en levertermijnen

 bestelling <€85,00 
 bestelling >€85,00 
(voor artikelen in voorraad)
België 5,95 euro 1,00 euro 1 à 2 werkdagen
België afhaalpunt 5,50 euro Gratis 1 à 2 werkdagen
Nederland 6,95 euro 1,00 euro 1 à 2 werkdagen
Nederland afhaalpunt 6,50 euro Gratis 1 à 2 werkdagen
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